Friday, August 29, 2008

How Do You Eliminate Credit Card Debts

Category: Finance, Credit.

Having a credit card in your wallet may make you feel powerful and confident but this card could also push you into depths of despair if you do not know how to control your debts. This is a most common question asked by thousands of individuals around the world who became victims of uncontrolled spending.

How do you eliminate credit card debts? This powerful piece of plastic could turn into a monster that could eat you alive, hiding under the name" credit card debt" . The next thing is for you to stick to your decision with sincerity and commitment and you are halfway there. You can control incurring debts if you have the will to do so, and by deciding to control your debts, you are taking the first step towards your goal. In order to eliminate credit card debts, you must have a concrete plan and analyze your financial status. Jot down your existing plastic cards and the corresponding amounts you owe them so you will have a clear picture of where you are financially. This means you have to check first how much money you owe various credit card companies.

After you have the exact amount of your debts, check to see if you have enough cash in your bank accounts and other savings which you can use for your day to day use while you put your plastic money to temporary rest. If you could not eliminate credit card debts from your life, control your purchases and your use of the card. It does not mean you have to stop shopping altogether. When you pick up things you are tempted to buy, think twice or thrice before taking the item to the checkout counter. When you have a plastic in your wallet, you sometimes pick up things you do not really need. Ask yourself if you really need the item. You may tend to give in to impulsive buying and this is something you have to curb if you have to eliminate your debts.

Then you can eliminate the one with the next highest APR, and so on. If you decide to eliminate credit card debts, you can start on the card that is hitting you most, the one which has the highest APR. Do your best and plan well to catch up on your delinquent payments to avoid paying fees and fines for late payment. This way you only have one company bills to pay to and think of. Also think if it suits you to consolidate all your credit cards into one card. These are just some ways to get rid of your head- ache triggering debts, and it all comes back to you.

No method would ever be effective if you do not start the transformation within yourself. The decision to eliminate credit card debts begins in you. In the end, it is you who will enjoy a peaceful mind without credit card debts to think of every minute of the day.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

If You Have Experienced A Loss Of Job Or An Injury It Is Very Easy To Become Over Loaded In Debt

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you have experienced a loss of job or an injury it is very easy to become over loaded in debt. They get hurt, or go through, get laid off a divorce and end up using credit cards to make up for the cash they don t have and end up in debt that they find hard to get out of.

This is something that happens to people everyday. Using credit cards like they were cash is not a wise solution and with the high interest rates they charge you will find it difficult to get them paid back. As I said above it is never a good idea to use credit cards to get through tough times or even as your own form of debt reduction. If you have found yourself in this situation then this article will give you some help on getting out, if you aren t there yet, maybe it will prevent it from happening to you. The high rates will just take you deeper into the abyss of debt and make it harder for you to get out. If you are in a program of debt reduction, self imposed or otherwise, you need to concentrate on figuring out ways to lower your cash outflow and the amount of bills you have to pay. For most people that file bankruptcy or looking for help with debt consolidation it is credit card debt that caused the problem.

Credit cards will do the exact opposite. Here s an example that we can look at: If a family has bills including their mortgage, car notes, insurance, and other miscellaneous expenses that adds up to over$ 2300 per month is there any possible way to reduce this? They will increase your bills and make it even harder. There are a number of ways that one could look into to accomplish this, one way is to look into a mortgage refinance that will help us refinance the home mortgage and bring the other bills into it for one low payment. If you take the time to look around you will find loans that will give you cash back, loans that you can take out against the equity in your home, loans like the one above that will allow you to combine everything into one low payment, and many other options. One of the advantages of doing this is that the mortgage loans are typically lower interest and in many cases may be written off on taxes. Just about any debt you owe can be rolled into one payment or at least combined and reduced but anything like utilities, cell phone bills, cable and the like will have to be paid separately.

You may be surprised at how much you will be able to reduce your monthly payments with a debt consolidation loan.


Raise Credit Scores 50 Points In 5 Days - Finance and Credit:

Raise credit scores 50 points in 5 days! Maybe.

Do You Even Need Their Credit Card - Renee Eilers's Finance and Credit blog:

Imagine this.

How Can You Avoid Being A Victim Of Such Credit Card Fraud - Finance and Credit:

Credit cards have come a long way since it was first used in the US in 1920 s. Along with it, credit card fraud is also becoming a growing trend for modern day thieves.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Credit Score

Category: Finance, Credit.

In this age as we indulge in more luxuries than required we find ourselves going deeper and deeper into the debt pit.

There are certain ways called as debt solutions that help us to formulate ways to pay off these debts completely rather than finding ourselves bankrupt. Once we begin to incur debts they just go on accumulating thereby leading to tremendous stress in our lives. Two of the most widely accepted solutions nowadays are debt reduction and credit counseling programs. Some of these differences are: Shut down Your Credit Accounts. These two programs work towards the same goal i. e. getting rid of the debts but they have certain significant differences as well. In credit counseling programs, it will be made compulsory to shut down all your credit accounts other than certain accounts like those pertaining to your business needs or those with nil or very little balances.

Completion Period. However in debt reduction programs, it is not necessary to close all credit accounts. Credit counseling services generally require much more time than debt reduction programs to pay off the debt. Cost Saving. On an average if the former takes about five years to get rid of the debt the latter will take less than a year to do so. Debt reduction programs have an upper hand over credit counseling programs in terms of costs saved. Credit Score.

This is because while in debt reduction programs you may have to pay a sum of about 20% - 60% of the amount owed, credit counseling programs will require you to pay the entire amount owed with a small discount in terms of interest waived. In debt reduction programs, details about the difference between the settlement sum and the amount owed called the deficiency balance may be sent to the credit bureaus by the creditors. Thus debt reduction programs affect your credit score much more as compared to credit counseling programs. This is regarded as a degrading aspect. Bargaining Power. It is then dependent on the creditors to accept or reject his plan.

In credit counseling program, the credit counselor formulates a plan to repay the debt and submits it to the creditors. However, in a debt reduction program the creditors will be intimated about your inability to completely repay the debt and the creditors have no choice other than to bargain to get back as much disbursement as possible. Thus both programs have their own pros and cons.


The Money Lenders Of Today- - The Finance Companies - Diana Spadoni about Finance and Credit:

Whenever I think of money lenders, the first name that comes to my mind is that of Shylock, the Jewish money lender in Shakespeare s popular drama, The Merchant of Venice. Thankfully, this stereotype is no longer as prevalent as it used to be.

Individual Credit Reporting Agencies Viz - Finance and Credit:

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion: These three credit reporting agencies determine the credit worthiness of people in USA by making credit ratings for them.

Many People Have And Suffer From Bad Or Marginal Credit - Frieda Klosterman's Finance and Credit blog:

Many people have and suffer from bad or marginal credit. Many families do not have sufficient savings to ride out a serious and costly emergency or job loss.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Making Payments On Time Will Improve Your Credit Rating

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you have a regular income and are 18 or over then you may be able to get a credit card.

Card companies often charge an annual fee. You will probably get offers through the post but even if you do you will still have to show that you are worth giving a credit card to. Some card companies will not charge the annual fee if you have a good enough credit history. Having a card with a low or no annual fee, a low or naught percent APR that gives you customer rewards is the best possible type of card. The best card for you to have is one where the total of the different charges is as small as possible. Beware though, some card companies charge a processing fee for the instant approval.

You should particularly compare the rewards and benefits on the instant approval cards with the more traditional cards. It is also a good idea to compare the different reward schemes and benefits offered by the various cards. If you are not going to be better off with an instant approval card then why bother applying for it? They may require other information as well but these three are required by all banks and credit card companies to enable them to do their initial checks. All banks and credit card companies will need your name, address and national insurance number. At times you may need to get a credit card, or use one you already have, to build up your credit rating.

If all else fails, you may be able to get a secured credit card. Making payments on time will improve your credit rating. These cards differ from normal credit cards as they only allow you to spend the amount of money you have at any one time. The down side is the credit card companies may charge you which will replace their lost income from interest charges. The advantage is you should not get into debt as you are only spending what you currently have. It is important with credit cards to pay more than the minimum payment as this will reduce the overall cost of your credit by a large amount. Try not to fall into their trap.

Many credit card companies set their minimum payments low to ensure customers do not pay off their credit. Credit cards are good but shop around for one that meets your needs and try to pay as much as possible off each bill to keep the cost as low as possible and to avoid debt.


Credit Cards Are The Easiest Way Of Purchasing Things - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit cards are a relatively new phenomenon, but have gained immense popularity within a span of just a few years.

Visa Offers Card Members Lots Of Extras - Dena Hafley about Finance and Credit:

Credit cards offer a high level of security and flexibility to customers, and this is why so many people use their credit cards for day to day purchases as well as for special purchases. MasterCard and Visa are the names of the global companies who manage credit cards.

Here S How To Build Credit History And Stay Out Of Debt At The Same Time - Finance and Credit Blog:

Building a rock solid credit history and staying out of debt go perfectly hand in hand. Technically there is some truth to this, but building an excellent credit history is more than just pumping up a numerical score without regard for any other well- rounded financial practices.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Signed A Credit Application And Told Her To Go For It

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you want to get approved at the best possible terms when buying a car, it s important you know a car lender s credit guidelines before you apply for credit. especially if you re bankrupt. Step 1 in making a lease or buy decision is to determine a lender s credit guidelines.

It will save you time and frustration- but more importantly, it will help you avoid credit inquiries that may lower your FICO credit scores up to 12 points per inquiry. You start by asking if they lend to people with a bankruptcy. That s right. If so, on what terms? You have to be upfront that you ve filed bankruptcy. We have to face the fact that some dealers just won t work with people who ve filed bankruptcy. Don t hide it.

So our job is to find the ones that do. Others will only offer purchase financing. Some lenders will only lease to people with a bankruptcy. Yet still others will only lend using a hybrid of the two- this is especially common in Texas. And here s a quick tip for you: if your bankruptcy doesn t appear on the credit report your lender pulls- then, in the eyes of the lender, you re not bankrupt. Ask the finance director at the dealership to direct you as to what structure the manufacturer prefers. The only lenders I would consider using are: - First choice: Captive lenders( car manufacturers) - Second choice: Banks( not finance companies) - Third choice: Credit unions.

Just one was leased by a bank. Ninety- nine percent of the cars I ve leased over the years have been with captive lenders. That particular deal came from a conversation I had with Amy, the finance manager at the local Land Rover dealership here in Indianapolis. I told her my current FICO scores. I told her I was open to her financing recommendations, but I preferred financing through the car manufacturer. She immediately said that with my scores she could do better through a local bank.

The next day I signed a lease agreement with that local bank. I signed a credit application and told her to go for it. Being open to her advice literally saved me hundreds of dollars a month on that car. It seems most car dealers call all of their funding sources banks. So be flexible. but be careful. When in reality some are banks, some are credit unions, and most are sub- prime finance companies. You want to pass on the sub- prime finance companies- unless you have exhausted all other options.

Here is a list of some of the most commonly used sub- prime auto finance companies: HSBC Automotive Capital One AmeriCredit WFS Financial. Sub- prime lenders should be your last resort. How do you find out if a credit union reports to all three credit reporting agencies? And only use credit unions if they report to all three national credit reporting agencies. Simple- you ask. And after you get the loan, check all three of your credit reports and make sure their trade line appears on each one.

Ask the branch manager at the credit union if they report. The three worst luxury captive lenders to lease or purchase from after bankruptcy are: BMW Mercedes Porsche. What makes these the worst? The three worst mainstream captive lenders are: Honda Kia/ Subaru Toyota. Once these lenders see that you ve filed bankruptcy, they are less likely to work with you. Now that I told you how bad the above six lenders are- there are times where they may offer you good deals. However, if they are willing to work with you, they ll want you to be at least several years from discharge and have perfect credit during that time.

For example, if one of the above happens to be the biggest dealer in your area, they may be able to offer you special deals that a smaller dealer can t. They change their credit guidelines on a whim to meet their own financial goals. Of course, things change all the time with captive auto lenders. So, it s always a good idea to at least research these dealerships- just don t get your hopes up too high. Step 2 in making a lease or buy decision is to purchase your FICO credit scores. OK, so you ve done your research and narrowed down your choice to one or two car manufacturers. It s important you have your most recent scores when you talk to car dealers( just like I did with Amy) .

When you enter a dealership with your FICO scores, the dealer will know you re a more informed consumer and cannot be taken advantage of. It puts you in charge. Just know that the FICO credit scores auto dealers use are a little different than what we see as consumers. The good news. these FICO scores may be higher than your normal FICO scores if you paid all previous auto loans as agreed. The scores the dealers review are called FICO Auto Industry Option Scores. Some car dealers have told me that if your FICO scores are higher than the scores the dealer reviews- they may even use your scores to get a better deal.

Step 3 is to interview the remaining car dealers on a deeper level. You can buy your scores from myFICO. com. Start by asking them these questions: - Which credit reporting agency do you use to make a lending decision? - What is your minimum credit score requirement to get approved? - What credit score is needed to get the best interest rate? - Do your lenders prefer offering lease or purchase financing to a bankrupt debtor? - What incentives are there to lease or purchase right now? Evaluate your options and incentives. At this point it s important to remain open to either leasing or purchasing. Remember, you re buying the financing. I personally view the lease versus buy decision in three ways: If you re recently recovering from bankruptcy, the only thing that matters is if you can get approved at an interest rate you can afford through a lender that reports to all three national credit reporting agencies.

In other words, the most important factor is the willingness of the lender to loan you money. So you should only consider lenders that are bankruptcy friendly. Obviously, you should choose the lender who uses your highest FICO credit score to make a lending decision. Once your credit scores begin to increase, you can start selecting cars based on which credit reporting agency the lender uses to determine if you qualify. When your scores are high enough. or two years have passed after your bankruptcy. or your bankruptcy doesn t appear on the credit report the lender uses, then you can choose almost any car you like. But make sure you still do your research and use your credit scores to help you compare interest rates, terms and incentives.


Your Credit Score Is Updated Regularly - Finance and Credit Articles:

Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. The basic idea behind reporting and tracking your credit history is to get an idea on how prompt and reliable a person is in repaying the loans.

This Card Is Great For The Rewards Alone, But The Terms Of The Card Are Also Very Attractive - Deloris Mcmanis about Finance and Credit:

Having kids means having to make a lot of purchases. The Toys" R" Us and Babies" R" Us MasterCard can help make that chunk just a little bit smaller.

Take A Loan - Valeria Westervelt's Finance and Credit blog:

It is no longer possible to escape from the tight grip that the loan providers of the market have placed over us. If you have to make a big investment, and you try consulting a trusted friend and advisor, the advice that you will invariably get is that of getting a loan to finance your needs.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Quit Using The Credit Cards

Category: Finance, Credit.

Accumulating out of control credit card debt is one of the most common consumer pitfalls in the country. Credit card debt can be a serious burden and one that many people flounder beneath.

Using a credit card to pay for something now seems so much easier than to wait until you have hard cash or money in your checking account later. It can difficult and discouraging to see no end to the burdensome interest payments of a high- interest credit card. There is a solution. Yet, not all hope is lost. You can use the following three- point strategy to deal a deathblow to your overwhelming credit card debt and find financial freedom along the way. This is a mandatory first step. Quit using the credit cards!

Don t use them anymore. All of those unnecessary expenditures that you make each week that seem so natural have to go if you are going to see the light of day, financially speaking. The idea behind this is to halt the debt cycle so you are not adding more debt by making more purchases. Pay more on your card balance. The reason you should pay more than the required monthly payment is interest. Why should you pay more?

Your card s interest rate is a major liability because you are paying so much of it each month and not really touching the principal amount. This will continue to be the case and you will not make any meaningful progress to eliminate your credit card debt. With an inflated credit card balance, you will spend all of your time paying interest, which leaves your balance basically the same after you ve paid it. Pay a set amount above what the minimum balance is and do it consistently. Your desire to remove the burden of credit card debt is doomed failure if you do not deal with your spending habits. Revolutionize your perspective on spending. It does not matter if you are able to implement the first two points of this strategy if you turn around and undermine them the next month, by how you spend.

The credit card is best seen as an emergency fund rather than a regular resource. It can be tempting to use your card on those" insignificant" purchases again, if you have paid the balance down. If want to make the strategy work over time, you will need to examine how you use your cards now and find out if there are ways to use regular money sources or even avoid the purchase entirely. We all want something now without having to wait for it. With a ready source of funds that you were not required to earn at a job, it is not a surprise that many turn to credit cards to fulfill their material whims. Since this is a habit that is hard to break, using the three- point strategy will be challenge that requires you to have perseverance and patience. Results are achievable and the potential for total financial freedom is there for the taking for someone who hates bearing the yoke of debt month after month.

Do not give up to quickly.


On The Internet, You Can Look Out For Various Kinds Of Credit Card Offers - Finance and Credit Articles:

A credit card is convenient resource and a great substitute for paper cash.

The Process For A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Is Relatively Easy - Finance and Credit:

Chapter 7 is the most common type of bankruptcy, and is sometimes referred to as liquidation bankruptcy or straight bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is one way for you to begin reestablishing your credit by eliminating the bulk, of your unsecured, if not all debt dramatically reducing your debt to income ratio.

Blue Sky Credit Card Fees - Finance and Credit Blog:

Generally speaking, when you hold a travel credit card, you would be subjected to rather hefty annual fees, expiry dates and, blackout dates capacity- control restrictions.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Important Thing Is To Not Run The Client S Credit Multiple Times

Category: Finance, Credit.

Interviewed by Dan Clemente. Why did you start US Unsecured?

May 17, 2008. Antonio: I will not name names, but I found that most unsecured lending companies were charging outrageous application fees. I decided, why not create an affordable solution? Some where even near$ 1200, and there was no guarantee of their services. Naturally banks are tightening up and finding an unsecured loan is getting harder, so an application fee must be charged to cover overhead, but what I was seeing was ridiculous, especially at a time where unsecured loans were being handed out like candy. Antonio: The biggest enjoyment for me is making a difference in someone s life. What is your favorite aspect of the lending business?

Many clients come to us that have been denied, or are being proposed an ugly loan with ugly terms. The second biggest enjoyment for me is analyzing the deal. Sometimes I feel like we could charge three times what we do and still provide greater value. When a client comes to me, his numbers are usually scattered. And now every bank expects something different. Maybe he has a business plan, but he does not always know what the bank expects.

Small banks will not lend as graciously as large banks will. Banks change their standards every week, and unless you are working in this business and in the constant" know" , it s like enrolling in college at a foreign university where everyone is speaking a foreign language. But then there are banks like Bank of America, which just tightened their standards as to exclude all no document loans. Why do your clients need US Unsecured? Luckily our volume of customers from all over the US helps us to stay informed and keep the relationships we have with all of our lenders active. Antonio: As I stated in the last question, the standards of individual banks are changing at a pace that is almost faster than our company can keep up with. Once you accept a loan or line of credit and begin spending, the deal is in place, and whatever terms you agreed upon you are stuck with.

I cannot count how many situations where my employees have practically relayed a situation cringing to me about how a client was almost sold into a loan which demanded their entire retirement plan as a down payment and was structured over half as long as a term as what we could achieve. We act as financial consultants for small businesses and people. Even Donald Trump has employees which find the best financing packages for him. What is the general philosophy of US Unsecured? In the long run, it is cheaper than accepting a loan with the wrong terms, or worse not achieving financing. Antonio: We try to be adaptable to change.

The financing process is not immune to adversity. Just because a client has been denied or seems like a hopeless case, we do not give up. Just because the banker of a client has said no does not mean that we cannot get one of our lenders to say yes. We do not advocate this position with our clients, but you get my idea here. Kernel Sanders was denied over seventy times by different banks before someone said yes. The important thing is to not run the client s credit multiple times.

Our database of lenders understands how we operate, and do not run a client s credit until that client is ready to accept the offer that is only resting yet upon his credit score. If Joe Schmoe wants to try to get financing from multiple banks, he will have multiple inquiries on his credit as a result, which will decrease if not eliminate his chances at financing for at least another four months. Many people do not realize that a credit report they pull off freecredit. com is a consumer credit report, and may differ wildly from the" hard" credit report pulled by a bank. Antonio: My advice would be to find a good credit repair company that can remove bankruptcy, and other related, foreclosure misfortunes. If there was any general advice you could give to those experiencing the current mortgage crisis directly, what would it be? Often times a borrower will find that he is paying more on his house than it is worth. The advice given largely depends on the financials of the individual.

Many people for this reason simply walk away from their homes. The crisis will get slightly worse, but with the rising price of oil and the inflation of the dollar, we are bound to see the price of homes increase in the near future. Antonio: Thanks Dan. Thank you for time Antonio.


Simply Have Credit Cards - Gwendolyn Fortier's Finance and Credit blog:

Credit scores are based on several different aspects of a person s ability to handle credit. First and Foremost, Pay on Time.

And You Have Your Student Credit Card To Thank - Finance and Credit Articles:

Typically, the life of a student involves a lot of expenses. But for those who want to prove their independence, and take care of their own financial problems, the very first card that you may want to find in your wallet is a student credit card.

Sometimes It S The Gas Rewards Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

There are a lot of good deals to be had on credit cards right now. You have to think about what it is you need from your credit cards.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Reluctance To Make A Decision Can Create Further Delays To Obtaining Credit Card Debt Relief

Category: Finance, Credit.

The number of people falling into the credit card debt trap on account of indiscriminate use is on the increase. People now owe thousands to finance companies because they do not realize they are spending beyond their means and by the time they do come to realize, the damage is already done.

Increasingly people are using their cards just to pay for everyday goods. The easiest action to take is to arrange credit card debt relief whilst you are still in a position too. The reluctance to make a decision can create further delays to obtaining credit card debt relief. The card holder must cease using it whilst he or she finds an option or the situation will just get worse and will never be resolved. The three debt consolidation plans detailed below are going to be your best options although they are by no means the only one available. If this method is not available then a consolidation loan may be a debt relief answer where a number of debts can be replaced with just one at a lower monthly installment. Where a person in financial trouble is still able to apply for a credit card, then by obtaining one that offers a low rate of interest the debts can be consolidated leaving just one payment to make regularly until the debt is cleared.

This option does require a certain willingness on the part of the person in debt to be strict about the payments and the regularity in which they are made if they really want to end the debt problem. Where credit card debt relief as an option fails, do not give up hope as the next step is a debt negotiation company. This particular route is only viable if the person with the debt retains a good credit history and they have the means to pay back the loan once the debts are clear. Debt relief companies usually have a good track record at this type of negotiation with the usual arrangement of around half the outstanding debt will have to be paid and any balance can be dropped. The debts may be clear but they will find it hard to get any form of credit for a long time and will have to rebuild their credit history from scratch although it does enable them to have a fresh start. However, if this option fails then the only option left is to file for bankruptcy which will clear all the debts but this should never be viewed upon as the easiest or first option as there are negative aspects to consider. Hopefully, the debtor will learn a lesson from this so they do not require relief from their credit card debts in the future as bankruptcy is an option that will not always be available.


The Money Lenders Of Today- - The Finance Companies - Finance and Credit Articles:

Whenever I think of money lenders, the first name that comes to my mind is that of Shylock, the Jewish money lender in Shakespeare s popular drama, The Merchant of Venice. Thankfully, this stereotype is no longer as prevalent as it used to be.

S Who Happen To Have Bad Credit - Finance and Credit:

Many people who dont know anything about credit have the feeling that the credit bureau is a government agency that works for Uncle Sam to ruin our lives but the real truth is that government agencies are just private companies that that have monopolized the credit industry. These three giants run the industry but there are more than 2000 smaller. credit bureaus.

However, Many Individuals Are Craving To Own A Credit Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card is just a piece of plastic card with your name and some sort of a credit card account number attached to it. However, many individuals are craving to own a credit card.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

There Are Also Companies Who Will Set A Credit Limit For You

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you are one of the victims of having a bad credit rating, it does not mean the end of your life. This is an also opportunity for you to train and teach yourself to control your spending in the future.

You can still obtain a" bad credit credit card" to give you a chance to improve your credit rating. In other words, these cards serve as" rescuers" for people who are buried in financial debts. When you apply for this, you will be asked by the card supplier to open up an account with them and to maintain some cash balance in your account. Bad credit credit cards are also known as secured credit cards. You may ask yourself why the card supplier or card company would require you to maintain a balance in your account, but you must understand that they have a business to run. After all, you could not expect them to still fully trust you after you failed to meet your payables in the past. They are not there for free and they will need to pay interest on the balance in your account so naturally, they need some hold over you.

Without the bad credit credit card, you pose as a threat to profits. However, it s best to check this with the card supplier or bank first before you get one. You must remember that the bank or the credit card supplier will generally pay interest on the balance in your account. When you have this" rescuer" card, a credit limit will be set, and this will be determined by how much cash balance is on your account. Secured credit cards are available in the market for people with bad credit rating. These cards, also referred to as debit cards, operate in a credit- giving manner.

You just have to look for the best bad credit card cards whose features are best suited to you. There are also companies who will set a credit limit for you. There are credit card suppliers who will give you plastic money but will require you to maintain a minimum balance in your bank account. You should look into the features each credit card supplier will give, like how much you are allowed to spend on your bad credit credit cards, the interest rate you will receive for your balance and how much you are going to pay for fees and charges. The best bad credit credit cards are those that require zero or a very small amount of minimum bank balance, and those who require no fees or charges at all. These are important points for you to consider so you will know which card supplier you will go to and help you stand up from a bad credit rating in the past.

The idea of this" rescuer" card is beneficial because this provides people with bad credit rating a chance to catch up with their credit and adopt a transformed habit in spending.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Broke The Chains Of Servitude To Debtors, You Can Too

Category: Finance, Credit.

We have all wondered at times how we got into unbalanced levels debt? In fact according to" MSN Money The truth about credit card debt" most Americans are in the same dilemma.

If you haven' t wondered this perhaps your independently wealthy or perhaps you should be pondering this question. It's a relatively new trap that Americans have fallen into. Marketers and bankers have teamed up to create a super duo. Seventy years ago credit cards didn' t even exist. Their knock out punch has hit most Americans right in the pocket book. Ancient history called debtors" slaves" , a person who could not pay for their goods or services voluntarily went into slavery and worked off the debt.

Two generations ago most people knew to spend less than they earned and stayed away from what credit was available. I' m discussing financial servitude. When you are in debt, you' re in a kind of beholding position to the other entity. The idea still holds true today. Have you ever said" I can' t change jobs now, I have too many bills" . Some never stop working so they can climb the corporate ladder to maintain or increase their standard of living. Some people attempt to work overtime to pay off the debt.

My eyes see this as no different than the person in ancient history who willingly went into servitude until their debt was paid. Thousands of Americans are getting into levels of debt they will never be able to get out of. However, now our culture is creating a perpetual" servitude" of its citizens. Declaring bankruptcy, they believe is their only option. I fell head long into this problem and I didn' t know how to get out. There is an answer to these problems! It was very frightening to realize you are limiting your career and family with debt.

I wanted to move to a less stressful job. My wife and I wanted more children but didn' t think we could afford them. There was no way I could down grade my job to get some" breathing room" from my stressful job. They can have dramatic effects on your well being. Money problems are real problems. Seeing clearly in the rearview mirror is easy now.

I broke the chains of servitude to debtors, you can too. Back then I didn' t have such a clear picture of just what was wrong with my finances at the time. Identifying the problem is half the battle. Continue reading my articles to help you not only identify your issues, but exactly what steps to take and solve them.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

They Will Finally Understand That Money Is A Necessity And Not A Luxury

Category: Finance, Credit.

The age of sixteen marks a turning point in every person's life. Soon they will be completing high school and will be ready for college.

At this time, they are made to start managing their own finances. Some of them might even take up jobs and begin to take care of their own expenses. Parents sometimes follow the practice of giving pocket money to their children. Thus, it becomes important for children to learn about finance right from the time when they are in school. Most often, this allowance this could be given to them on a weekly or monthly basis. This constitutes the first step towards comprehending the value of money.

In most families it is seen that once a child runs out of money, he will approach the parent for an advance. Young people learn the value of money through the practice of taking an allowance. This is what allows them to understand the concept of saving. They learn about how much they should spend and what they should be saving. They come to realize that accumulating savings will give them the bonus of having some extra money when their friends have all used up their pocket money. They finally begin to understand that they can achieve a lot more if they are careful with their spending.

Once the value of money has been understood, young people become responsible almost instantly. If on impulse, they spend all their money on a music album or a tennis racquet, they will realize that their savings have been depleted. This will teach them to cut corners and use their money in a wise and prudent manner. After such an impulsive buy, they will have to wait till it is time for their next advance. Also while applying for colleges, parents should guide their children and help them understand the fee structure. They will then realize that higher education does not come for free.

Students should be told about education loans and familiarized with the processes of applying for these. Paying for a degree is not a cake walk. They will learn to approach banks for educational loans, and will look around for part time opportunities so that they can immediately begin to start loan repayments. They will finally understand that money is a necessity and not a luxury. This gives them the independence and freedom to do what they enjoy and act as responsible adults. They not only manage their own finances but have also learnt how to save and indulge in things that they have their hearts set on.

These days, young students are much smarter than they often get credit for. They will also realize that they need to manage the funds on hand, and start saving up for the future. The young people of today are well aware that they need to start behaving responsibly from a very early age. If they want to party, or go out with friends, they will consider the money that they have, will calculate how much they can spend, and will act accordingly. The spending habits of many young people reveal this maturity.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Check Your Credit Report Regularly

The importance of a good credit score can never be understated. There is no instant solution to get a good credit score.

Whether you want a loan with low interest and large amount, a gold or platinum credit card, mortgage at good terms, car loan at cheaper rates or simply have a good financial credibility- - none of it can be achieved without having a good credit score. It builds up gradually based upon how well you manage your loans and financial situation. Repairing the credit score is not that difficult provided you take these 5 simple steps into consideration. However, the credit score can degrade at quite a rapid rate if there are consistent defaults on loan and credit card bill repayments. Check your credit report regularly. If there are any inconsistencies in your credit report get them corrected.

This is a must to ensure that you know your current credit score, and what is ailing it. Keeping bills of all the transactions you make can be very handy and helpful in correcting any errors in your credit report. The temptations to own a new credit card are so numerous in modern times that many of us end up with a purse- full of them without any real need. Get rid of those extra credit cards. They stay there and cause a lot of problems in repayment. Frequent defaults will reflect poorly on your credit score. The confusion that comes with too many credit cards can easy lead to a missed payment and resulting penalties.

So, keep only the necessary and discard the rest. Every credit card transaction is a loan that has to be repaid on time with interest. Repay on time. Don' t ever miss out on any repayment. This will keep you in the good books of credit card company and help your credit score. If you are not able to make full payments, or even the, make half monthly minimum, but don' t default.

If you are not able to pay anything to the credit card company, don' t shy away from them, explain your problem, call them and work out things so that a negative report doesn' t land up with the credit reporting agencies. A low ratio means that you are repaying on time. Keep your debt to balance ratio low. This factor has carries a lot of weight while determining your credit score. The high ratio says that you are not able to manage your finances well, borrow more than you can afford, and the repayment is not up to the mark- - in short a good candidate to accumulate a lot of credit card debt. A low debt to balance ratio goes in your favor while it hurts your credit report badly when this ratio is high. Always, avoid giving this impression to the credit card companies.

We all have emergencies, a death of, an accident loved one, a serious illness- it could be anything. Report emergency situations to the credit card company. Such situations take a serious toll on our mental and financial health. If you face such a situation report it to the credit card company immediately, and explain your situation. Credit card companies are aware of such situations and act compassionately if the matter is reported to them. Tell them clearly how much time you need to recover from the situation. Nothing beats good financial habits in keeping a excellent credit score.

An amicable solution can be worked out with the credit card company so that the ramifications of this emergency situation doesn' t reflect badly on your credit score. However, fixing a bad one is not difficult either all it needs is a bit of commitment and resourcefulness. The above 5 tips will help you repair existing credit score and keep it in good shape for future.