Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Broke The Chains Of Servitude To Debtors, You Can Too

Category: Finance, Credit.

We have all wondered at times how we got into unbalanced levels debt? In fact according to" MSN Money The truth about credit card debt" most Americans are in the same dilemma.

If you haven' t wondered this perhaps your independently wealthy or perhaps you should be pondering this question. It's a relatively new trap that Americans have fallen into. Marketers and bankers have teamed up to create a super duo. Seventy years ago credit cards didn' t even exist. Their knock out punch has hit most Americans right in the pocket book. Ancient history called debtors" slaves" , a person who could not pay for their goods or services voluntarily went into slavery and worked off the debt.

Two generations ago most people knew to spend less than they earned and stayed away from what credit was available. I' m discussing financial servitude. When you are in debt, you' re in a kind of beholding position to the other entity. The idea still holds true today. Have you ever said" I can' t change jobs now, I have too many bills" . Some never stop working so they can climb the corporate ladder to maintain or increase their standard of living. Some people attempt to work overtime to pay off the debt.

My eyes see this as no different than the person in ancient history who willingly went into servitude until their debt was paid. Thousands of Americans are getting into levels of debt they will never be able to get out of. However, now our culture is creating a perpetual" servitude" of its citizens. Declaring bankruptcy, they believe is their only option. I fell head long into this problem and I didn' t know how to get out. There is an answer to these problems! It was very frightening to realize you are limiting your career and family with debt.

I wanted to move to a less stressful job. My wife and I wanted more children but didn' t think we could afford them. There was no way I could down grade my job to get some" breathing room" from my stressful job. They can have dramatic effects on your well being. Money problems are real problems. Seeing clearly in the rearview mirror is easy now.

I broke the chains of servitude to debtors, you can too. Back then I didn' t have such a clear picture of just what was wrong with my finances at the time. Identifying the problem is half the battle. Continue reading my articles to help you not only identify your issues, but exactly what steps to take and solve them.

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