Monday, August 25, 2008

Credit Score

Category: Finance, Credit.

In this age as we indulge in more luxuries than required we find ourselves going deeper and deeper into the debt pit.

There are certain ways called as debt solutions that help us to formulate ways to pay off these debts completely rather than finding ourselves bankrupt. Once we begin to incur debts they just go on accumulating thereby leading to tremendous stress in our lives. Two of the most widely accepted solutions nowadays are debt reduction and credit counseling programs. Some of these differences are: Shut down Your Credit Accounts. These two programs work towards the same goal i. e. getting rid of the debts but they have certain significant differences as well. In credit counseling programs, it will be made compulsory to shut down all your credit accounts other than certain accounts like those pertaining to your business needs or those with nil or very little balances.

Completion Period. However in debt reduction programs, it is not necessary to close all credit accounts. Credit counseling services generally require much more time than debt reduction programs to pay off the debt. Cost Saving. On an average if the former takes about five years to get rid of the debt the latter will take less than a year to do so. Debt reduction programs have an upper hand over credit counseling programs in terms of costs saved. Credit Score.

This is because while in debt reduction programs you may have to pay a sum of about 20% - 60% of the amount owed, credit counseling programs will require you to pay the entire amount owed with a small discount in terms of interest waived. In debt reduction programs, details about the difference between the settlement sum and the amount owed called the deficiency balance may be sent to the credit bureaus by the creditors. Thus debt reduction programs affect your credit score much more as compared to credit counseling programs. This is regarded as a degrading aspect. Bargaining Power. It is then dependent on the creditors to accept or reject his plan.

In credit counseling program, the credit counselor formulates a plan to repay the debt and submits it to the creditors. However, in a debt reduction program the creditors will be intimated about your inability to completely repay the debt and the creditors have no choice other than to bargain to get back as much disbursement as possible. Thus both programs have their own pros and cons.


The Money Lenders Of Today- - The Finance Companies - Diana Spadoni about Finance and Credit:

Whenever I think of money lenders, the first name that comes to my mind is that of Shylock, the Jewish money lender in Shakespeare s popular drama, The Merchant of Venice. Thankfully, this stereotype is no longer as prevalent as it used to be.

Individual Credit Reporting Agencies Viz - Finance and Credit:

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion: These three credit reporting agencies determine the credit worthiness of people in USA by making credit ratings for them.

Many People Have And Suffer From Bad Or Marginal Credit - Frieda Klosterman's Finance and Credit blog:

Many people have and suffer from bad or marginal credit. Many families do not have sufficient savings to ride out a serious and costly emergency or job loss.

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